Important Information

Here, you will find everything you need for Saturday, April 1st, 2017.

  • Case Study
  • Standardized patient info
  • Presentations
  • Evaluation Documents

Course Director: Dr Neil Dilworth


To prepare the learner to write the sports medicine exams (e.g. CASEM).

  1. Conduct practical sport medicine examinations.
  2. Learn how to take a high yield history and physician examination for a timed examination station.
  3. Gain emergency skills for field of play injuries.
  4. Feedback on your performance.

Target Audience: Physicians preparing to write sports medicine exams.

Learning Format

  • Small group learning in a simulated examination environment.
  • In the morning, learners will review how to take a high yield history and physician examination for a timed examination station. There will be a review of emergency skills for field of play injuries with a practical workshop.
  • In the afternoon, learners will participate in a “mock” examination complete with standardized patients, examiners and timed stations. At the end of the day, the faculty will debrief on the station and provide individual feedback for exam preparation.